My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 44

I thought, since Tybalt ate beautifully on Wednesday, that I could feed Talulah while he was still in the cage. He couldn't possibly be hungry, could he? Yeah, well, he was. He lunged at his sister's mouth to grab the frozen pinkie from her. Just picture me, looking down at this sibling war, screaming a slow-motion "Noooooo!" as I flung my hand down to stop the bloodflow. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't quite that dramatic, but it was a sticky situation.
I'd defrosted another pinkie so I gave it to Tybalt. Since when does he eat frozen mice? I mean, it would be great if he switched to them so I wouldn't have to worry about getting him live ones.

Odin is sick. He keeps throwing up his food and I have checked everything, temperature, humidity, ligh-dark cycle, everything. I think he may have to go on anti-biotics. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. You are an interesting blogger! Where my daughter lives there are a lot of snakes some enter her house. Most of them are cobras. I am afraid of the taipans, but I have never seen one. All my daughter's chickens were eaten by snakes, so were her ducks. My grandchildren were very sad about the loss of the birds. You can understand that we are not fond of snakes at all, though they are useful enough because they eat rats too. Can you really have a good relationship with a snake? I wonder what kind of snakes you have.
    Anyway thanks for visiting!
