My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 21

Today was feeding day from hell. All the snakes had some problem or other with the food item I provided.
I started with Coral, who usually does not give me any trouble. On the contrary, she was getting so chunky that I put her on a bit of a diet, but she had refused a mouse last week so I was a bit worried when she didn't take one today. I pestered her a while, and then I brought out the live pinkie I had saved from Wednesday. My sister got me two from the wildlife center and Maat didn't eat hers, so I kept the baby mouse alive until today. It is a ridiculously small item for Coral, but I thought maybe if she sees it moving she'll be enticed to take it. I was not disappointed.
I then tried again with the frozen/thawed mouse, but she did not want it. I hope she is not going to throw a tantrum and only want live mice.

Then, it was Damascus's turn to be picky. Something about the fuzzies I offered did not please him. I do not know what, they are the same I always give him. He finally ate one, but ignored the other one. Since I had a leftover adult mouse I decided, hell why not, and placed it in front of him. If someone ever tells you that snakes don't have expressions you can tell them I told you they're liars. As soon as his tongue flicked and picked out the new scent his eyes seemed to widen in surprise. You could almost hear him thinking, "now what is this delectable smell?" (in an English accent, because that's how I think of his voice).
He took it and ate greedily.

Talulah also gave me trouble. I had to pretty much bribe her to take the fuzzie. She did eat it, but still what the hell was going on? Was there a hunger strike I was not aware of?

Maat, of course, continues to refuse food. I have tried absolutely everything. I have written to many forums and I have tried every suggestion I was given. Nothing.
I did try something new today. If you are squeamish, though, I highly recommend you get far away from this post.

Ok, when I realized she was not going to eat the fuzzie and that I would have to give her Pedialyte again, I had an interesting idea. What if I open the thawed mouse, take the organs out, the blood, and the brain matter, crush it as small as it will go and then mix it with the Pedialyte? I could not think of any reason not to do it. So I went to action. I am not sqeamish in the least, which is a good thing when you own snakes, so I had the mouse open and was crushing and mixing in a matter of seconds. I took Maat and started giving her the concoction with a syrynge. She was not that happy about it, but at least I know she got some mouse nutrients on top of the stuff provided by the Pedialyte.
Alright, you can stop gagging.

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