My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 35

What is going on with my snakes? It seems like everyday I find another one out of his or her cage! Am I not taking care of you as well as you'd like? Am I being inattentive, mean, cruel, am I starving you? Please guys and gals stay put!
Today it is Coral. I came into the library/snake room and found one of her doors slightly open, with a groan I looked. Of course, she was gone. She had finished shedding and decided it was time to take a trip, an adventure awaited. Yes, well, Coral, now you're running around without water and making me worry about the temperatures at night...Argh!
One of these days they are all going to get together and make an exodus out the front door. I'll walk in the next morning and see empty cages and Barbossa cowering in the corner, shell-shocked and remorseful. It could happen.
My angel Damascus ate. Odin did not seem too happy. I changed his cage for another tank and I think he is mad at me because he refused the pinky I offered him.

The juggling of seven ophidian relationships is taking its toll on me. Poor me.

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