My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Villainous Affairs

I was lazy yesterday and did not post about how the feeding went. Everyone who was supposed to eat, ate. Ta dah! Done.
Now that I look at what I wrote, I'm pretty sure I could have mustered up the energy to write it yesterday, but at the time it felt like a cataclysmic event that I just couldn't bring myself to perform.
Dramatic, aren't we?

Anyway, I went to my French class today, not the most fun I've ever had but at least I'm polishing up my long-forgotten inner French person. Afterwards I stopped by the library and got some books. I picked up The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and an Agatha Christie in French so I can continue practicing.
I then went to the movies to see Devil.

Now, after The Happening, I wasn't sure I would EVER watch another M. Night Shyamalan movie. If you've seen that laugh-riot you understand completely. The wind, people, the wind.

Ok, I saw the previews of this new movie and I thought, unless he's on crack, I don't think he can screw it up too badly. A bunch of people trapped in an elevator, and one of them is the devil. Good, simple scenario. I still went into the theater with trepidation, hoping I wouldn't spend the whole afternoon cursing Mr. Shyamalan.
The movie started...and it was good.
I was so relieved and kind of proud. He managed to redeem himself quite nicely. Good suspense, good acting, some frightening moments and a killer soundtrack.
I left the movie with a new pep in my step, which is surprising after watching a movie about the Devil killing a bunch of people, but don't judge me. I have a soft spot for villains.

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