My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Lands

Tybalt ate his live pinkie yesterday, so my evil action of the week is completed. He has to go back to eating frozen mice. Not only is it more convenient if he did, but it would also make me feel less like the villain in a fairytale, holding the defenseless mouse to be eaten by her minion and pet snake.

I also gave Barbossa his Pedialyte bath. He did not enjoy it one bit, but I did manage to get him to drink some of it, so if he is even a little dehydrated, he got a good dose of electrolytes to help him out.
I put him in a big container and I was worried of him trying to get out, like Topkapi does, crawling along the container until she finds the rim and then making a dash to freedom. I shouldn't have worried, however. Barbossa refused to move, as if staying really still could make him disappear. No such luck.
When I picked him up to dry him and put him back in his cage, he seemed so relieved. He crawled to his favorite spot in his cage, curled up, and for all intents and purposes appeared to be knocked out. Oh, the horror...

Today my mom and I are going to see "Mary Poppins: The Musical". My mom loves the movie and so she wanted to go see it. I, on the other hand, can't stand Julie Andrews so any movie she's a part of does not score any points with me, but since the musical is blessedly free of her teeth-grinding sweetness, I have hopes of enjoying it.
I have never mentioned that I sing. I omitted that consciously because it is the most integral part of my self and maybe I didn't want to share that at the time, but now I don't see why not. I've studied voice for 12 years, so half my life, and it is my passion (apart from my beautiful ophidian babies) and what I hope to do for the rest of my life. Fate is tricky, so we'll see. My main goal is to sing classically, but I also welcome musical theater or really any experience to sing. Hence the Mary Poppins field trip. I really don't know that much about the musical theater voices that are out there, I've always been so focused on the opera world. But recently I've widened my horizons, stopped being quite so snobby and realized there are some really beautiful, non-classical pieces of music out there. Step by step I am exploring virgin territory. Well, at least for me.

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