My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 25

Everyone and their mother had to be persuaded to eat today.
Too cold, too hot, not white enough, it's not alive, I'm shedding, I don't eat in the presence of humans...all things that were obviously running through their heads because they all refused to take their mice when I offered them. Jeez. Ophidian gals and guys, I cannot spend my whole morning catering to your requests!
They know I'm bluffing. That's the problem, they know that I freak out if one of them doesn't eat so I run to find whatever he or she needs. They are too spoiled. Period.

Anyway, I attempted first with Damascus. He seemed excited, ready to lunge at the mouse and then ...nothing. He retreated into his hiding place and continued to flick out his tongue from in there. I put the mouse close to his face, nothing. I heated the mouse up in even hotter water, and then he did take it. Sorry Damascus, I didn't realize you need the prey a couple of degrees warmer to please your palate. Spoiled!

Coral looks like she's about to shed, so she is excused.

My sister was not able to get a live pinkie this week, but although Odin behaved like an angel and ate his frozen/thawed one, Tybalt did not even attempt it today. He was not fooled by my impersonation of a live pinkie. Moving it around is obviously not enough to prove it's alive. Spoiled!

Even Talulah gave me a headache. She just did not seem interested. I took her out of her cage, to see if maybe a change of scenery would tempt her to eat, and that made it worse. She got into "exploring" mode and refused to even look at the mouse. So, I put her back in her cage and she finally realized that what was dangling just above her head was not mistletoe but FOOD. Spoiled!

Thus ends the tirade.

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