My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Holy Hieroglyphics, Horus!

Triple alliteration, yes!

My sister and I watched the strangest movie last night. It's called "Immortal" and it is a futuristic movie that takes place in New York City, where a floating pyramid appears full of Egyptian gods. The two main characters are a blue-haired alien female and a human man who gets possessed by the god Horus. The basic plot is that Horus is going to die and he must mate with the alien to leave an heir. That's really all I know, and even that much doesn't make sense. As far as I know, gods can't die, unless I am missing some of the finer points of godhood.
I usually have no problem making up my mind if I like something or not, but with this movie I am ambivalent. I still don't understand all of it. IMDB (Internet Movie Database) usually so enlightening seems to be as confused as I am, so other than writing to the director with a respectful "what the hell?" I can't really comment more on it. I just don't understand it. Watch it and let me know.

Coral has been soaking for about three days straight. As soon as I saw that she was still curled up in her water this morning, I opened her cage to check on her. She raised her head and looked at me with a look of such irritation that I'm surprised I wasn't felled by a bolt of lightning on the spot. I sheepishly withdrew my hand and closed her cage door. I'm going to give them all "Do Not Disturb" signs so they can post them by their doors, so at least I have some warning of their moods.
Living with the Fearsome Seven is complicated.

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