My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 14

Everyone that was supposed to eat today, ate.
Coral decided that she needed to keep her coils wrapped around my hand while she ate, so I was sitting there with half her body loosely holding on to me, waiting for her to finish swallowing the mouse. At least she seems to trust me enough to let me touch her while she eats. Thank the Gods she is smart enough to know she doesn't need to constrict the mouse, because otherwise I would have had a few unpleasant moments with her coils. She's little, but if she can kill a mouse with the pressure, it's bound to hurt a bit.
I gave Damascus two mice to keep him happy, and he was greedily expecting the third one.

SO, they decided to put the carpet python down. Another vet saw her and found tumors in her head so it was deemed the right choice to euthanize her. Poor baby, but it is better than her starving to death.
There was a huge argument, a ridiculous one, between my sister and the "reptile keeper" (my disdain for this boy warrants the quotation marks). He wanted to skin the snake after she died. He's done it before, never successfully preserving the skin because he is an idiot who can't even read an instruction manual, but this time it really was ridiculous. He should not be allowed to keep the skin after NOT taking care of the animal while she was alive. He want to put it on display in the museum! How disrespectful is that to the poor snake! Let her rest in peace. But I really can't expect much from a guy who likes to go hunting. Ponder that for a second, someone who works at a wild animal rehabilitation facility likes to go shooting wild animals on his free time.
The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

Finally my sister won. Her skin will not be a trophy for the person who failed to take care of her. Some justice exists in the world.

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