My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Feeding Frenzy Friday Part 4

It's been way too many days without a picture of Topkapi, so to avoid the wrath of a scorned snake, here she is in all her glory. I took her out this morning before I fed all the other babies, because if I take her out afterwards, when I smell nice and mousy, there's a danger of someone loosing a finger. She was her sweet, curious, marvelous self and we had a grand old time sitting at the kitchen table. She drank her fresh water and then it was exploring time!

A little look on this side, a little look on that side. Doesn't she have a beautiful profile?
By the way, the foot you see on the right side of the last picture does not belong to a lion, it belongs to this:

That creature is Vinicius, a Brazilian Fila, which is a relatively uncommon dog to have. There is a reason for that, not only are they huge but they don't like strangers very much. Or at all. He is the sweetest animal to the four of us, but anybody outside of that circle is not welcome. Seriously, he will eat you. Since he really has no contact with the world outside of our house (we can't possibly walk him), there is no problem and he is the perfect guard dog. If you walk by my house you'll just hear a lot of barking.
The Fila breed was created by putting a little bit of mastiff, a little bit of bloodhound, and a little bit of bulldog together, stirring the pot and out popped the first Fila.
All joking aside, they really are a good breed if you know how to deal with big dogs. They are extremely smart, brave, and most importantly loyal.

I finished feeding the morning babies, and everyone ate without complaining. Tybalt was a bit hesitant at first, but after some insistence on my part he took the pinkie. Now I just have Topkapi to feed tonight and that's it for this week. Barbossa will not be eating tomorrow since he is shedding, but he ate fine last week so no worries.

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