My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Mulch or not to Mulch

Yesterday I fed all my babies. The only one that refused food, after behaving as if he were starving, was Tybalt. He is very sensitive to the light/dark schedule and this past week I've not been as attentive to that as usual. I had to leave pretty early every day for rehearsal and performances, and I would come home late at night. I thought that it hadn't been that bad, that I had adjusted the lights so they wouldn't feel the change, but I guess I was wrong. Picky, picky animals!
This coming week is normal, so there shouldn't be any more complaints from the snake department.
I fed Barbossa yesterday, and he ate two live mice. He missed the first one and struck a pile of mulch... which he proceeded to constrict. Picture me, standing with the feeding tongs in one hand, the PetCo box with one mouse left inside in the other, the cage open, Barbossa trying to kill mulch and meanwhile a mouse running around the snake without a care in the world. It was quite a picture. He finally realized that he was strangling wood and he at least had the decency to look sheepish at his mistake. He swallowed his pride and struck the mouse. He ate the two of them without further problems.

Coral was super funny yesterday also. I opened the cage, ready to get her out and feed her. She was inside her little hiding place, which looks like a hollow rock formation, and she refused to get out. She was way to comfy it seems. So I took out the whole rock, with her still inside, and I offered her the mouse. She took it, and ate it while curled up. Tell me that is not lazy! When she was done, I just lifted the whole thing and placed it back inside her cage, shook my head in disbelief and closed the glass door. They come up with something different every day.

My mom came yesterday with the box of mice and a new rat. His name is Vincent and he is also ridiculously cute. This one is not an albino, he is dark brown and white, with black eyes. This means that he has better vision than Gustav did. My mom says that he was the only one left in his cage, and she felt so bad about leaving him alone that he had to get him. There's no problem here, I'm always willing to take more pets in (although I think I've had my fill of dogs for a while).
I haven' baked anything for a few days, I haven't been able to do much for a few days, so maybe tomorrow I'll cook something and post the recipes and the pictures. I'll also see if I can get a picture of Vincent.

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