My experiences as a snake owner and as a snake enthusiast. With a healthy potpourri of other stuff...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring in the Woods

CocoRosie is looking very active today. Actually, she's been like that for a few days, I wonder if it's the spring. I know she's laid eggs before, usually unfertilized, so I'm sure mating season does affect her. Maybe that's why she didn't eat last Friday. Sorry CocoRosie, I have no mate for you, no beautiful rat snake who deserves to win your heart. Oh, well, maybe next year. What would be cuter than little ferocious CocoRosies running around the house?

Last night I took Tybalt and Talulah out for a little walk around the kitchen table. I hadn't taken Tybalt out at all last week, because I wanted to see if by handling him less he would feel up to eating. He did eat last week. I'm going to take him out moderately this week and see if he still eats when I get home on Sunday from the pagan camp.

Yesterday I was very bored in the afternoon, so I picked up a Stephen King book (not that I need to be bored to read his books, I think they're great). I had recently bought "The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon". It's a relatively small book, about 250 pages, but it is incredible. Briefly, it is about a nine-year old girl who gets lost in the woods in New England and how she tries to find her way back to civilization. I read the whole thing in about three hours. I won't say how it ends, but it is a book that haunts you after you've finished it. I'm obviously still thinking about it today. I'm not sure it was THE best choice of literature to read right before I go on a camping trip, but too late now.

Tonight, my sister and I are going to see Rachael Sage in concert. She is an Indie artist who has her own music label and who is completely independent from the big record companies. Her music is great, and she has beautiful lyrics. Since she is an independent artist, her concerts are not huge, but are usually in a very intimate setting. She talks to the audience and gets requests, so I think we are going to have a good time. She seems like an interesting person.

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